
You may notice that StoneTurn looks different. Rest assured, we are still the same experts who leave no stone unturned when it comes to assisting attorneys, corporations and government agencies to solve high-stakes legal and compliance matters.

Upon StoneTurn’s 10th anniversary, we embarked upon a journey to better understand our brand and what it means to our clients and our professionals. As a people-focused firm, it was critical for our efforts to center on the feedback we received from these key audiences. We heard many consistent themes throughout this process—and we wanted to ensure we brought this input to life.

What you see before you is the culmination of that feedback and the next leg of our firm’s journey.

We discovered what is truly unique about StoneTurn is our people and the way in which we deliver our expertise. We are friendly, responsive, lean and efficient, hands-on experts who collaborate with clients and each other to achieve the best outcomes. We look beyond the surface to assist our clients on a range of matters involving critical risks; this notion is now part of our new logo.

As we evolve our messaging and look and feel, you’ll continue to see these changes, and we encourage you to provide us with valuable feedback. What will not change is our dedication to our clients and our professionals at every turn.

For those who know us well, we hope you will continue to allow us to serve as your trusted advisers. For those who do not, we look forward to the opportunity to provide you with a remarkable and rewarding experience.

Turn to us.

Meet Christopher

Christopher Martinez

Christopher Martinez

Christopher Martinez, Partner, Chairman and Co-Founder of StoneTurn, has more than 30 years of experience in intellectual property (“IP”) damages quantification, intellectual asset licensing and complex financial modeling. Christopher advises […]

Meet Simon

Simon Platt

Simon Platt

Simon Platt co-founded StoneTurn in 2004. He previously served as the firm’s Managing Partner until 2016, and served as Co-Chair through 2024. Simon has led and been involved in many […]