When you need a team of trusted advisers,
turn to us.
StoneTurn, a global professional services firm, works with law firms, corporations, and government agencies in solving the most complex and consequential business issues. Known for our deep expertise in investigations, compliance, economics, technology, cybersecurity, and business and litigation advisory, we have earned the trust of clients and regulators worldwide by deploying multidisciplinary teams of industry leaders to provide unique expertise and practical solutions to high-stakes challenges. Founded in 2004, StoneTurn operates from offices across five continents and is widely lauded for its commitment to collaboration, integrity, and independence.
Meet our Professionals
View the Full Team- Christopher Anderson
- Allen D. Applbaum
- Neil Ashton
- Abby Barasch
- Mitchell Becker
- Paul Benson
- Youssef Benzarti
- Marshall Billingslea
- Tanya Bodell
- Stefan Boedeker
- Scott Boylan
- Sharon Brown-Hruska
- Kristofer Buchan
- Greg Buchanan
- Annie Budra
- David C. Burroughs
- Tristan Cecala
- Kaitlyn Cecala
- Louis Cona
- Ian Cook
- Annie Cooper
- Todd Copeland
- Michael Costa
- Randall Coxworth
- Jon Critelli
- Lucy Cryan
- Kyla Curley
- Elizabeth Davidson
- Piers de Wilde
- Neil DeAngelis
- Joshua Dennis
- Jeffrey Dubin
- Michele Edwards
- Christopher M. Favo
- Michael Feeley
- Nathan D. Fisher
- Jonny Frank
- H.E. Frech III
- Daniel Fuller
- Snežana Gebauer
- Charles Gerber
- Nathan Gibson
- Christian Gordon
- Richard E. Green
- Alexander Greenall
- Laura Greenman
- Helene Gurian
- Melissa Haley
- Daron Hartvigsen
- Joel Hay
- Robert Heller
- Eric Hines
- Jeremy Hirsch
- David A. Holley
- Christopher Hoyle
- James Hubbs
- Santiago Ibanez
- Ksenia Ioffe
- Louise Jordaan
- Matthew Kahn
- Bailey Kay
- Bill Kearns
- Sarah Keeling
- Midori Knowles
- Steve Kopeck
- Patrick Kramer
- Dan Langley
- Lauren LaRocca
- Christopher Laursen
- Andrew Leddy
- Erica Levy
- Tiffany Lewis
- Jason Liew
- Maureen Loftus
- Jeen Loo
- Carlos Flávio Lopes
- Christopher Loza
- Richard Mackintosh
- Phathu Makhadi
- John Malloy III
- Minette Manna
- Michael Mansueto
- Christopher Martinez
- Adam McArthur
- Thomas McCormick
- Christopher McIndoe
- Juan Migone
- Derek Miller
- Christopher Milne
- Bruce Mizrach
- Scott Morris
- Dan Murphy
- Martin Narciso
- Jeremy Newell
- Petra Niedermayerova
- Kathleen Nolan
- Okem Nwogu
- Timothy P. O’Sullivan
- Micah Officer
- Xavier Oustalniol
- Zi Peng
- David Peyman
- Tanya Philip
- Simon Platt
- Katie Prichard
- Carol E. Rasor-Cordero
- Alan Ratliff
- Kimberly Ratto
- Naphtali Rivkin
- Louis Roddam
- Gil Rodgers
- Mike Roos
- Mitchell Rosen
- Paul Ryan
- Dmitry Sachkov
- Atanu Saha
- Ambreen Salters
- Howard Scheck
- Shari Schindler
- Alexander Schnier
- Betsy Schwarze
- Kashif Sheikh
- Tyler Snoddy
- Chuck Soha
- Jim Speyer
- Danielle Spring
- Nicole Stedman
- Amanda Stephens
- David Stern
- Dan Sunderland
- Luke Tenery
- Patrick Timlin
- Sean Tuttle
- Lisa Van Houten
- Andre van Staden
- Rae Vogelman
- Narinder Walia
- Christopher Walsh
- Matt Whatley
- Kevin Williams
- Brad Wilson
- Lewis Wilson
- Mairea Workman
- Yong Xu
- Cindy Yu
- Neil Zoltowski