Organizations can’t just "believe" they have a strong speak-up culture. They need to know they do. An effective speak-up culture provides organizations the best early warning system and sometimes, when all else fails, a final line of defense against isolated misconduct blossoming into catastrophic legal and reputation damage.

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Countless organizations believe they have a speak-up culture until they find themselves defending their compliance programs when unchecked misconduct comes to light.

In Corporate Compliance Insights, Jonny Frank and Ksenia Ioffe highlight five common data sources organizations can leverage to gauge and monitor speak-up culture and also explain how to best follow-up on reporting metrics.

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About the Authors

Jonny Frank StoneTurn

Jonny Frank

Jonny Frank brings over 45 years of public and private sector and law and business school teaching experience in forensic investigations, compliance, and risk management. He helps organizations and counsel […]

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Ksenia Ioffe

Ksenia Ioffe, a Managing Director with StoneTurn, has expertise in compliance and monitoring, forensic accounting, and auditing. Ksenia’s experience includes assessing corporate compliance programs and internal controls, and advising companies […]

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