StoneTurn is pleased to share that Jonny Frank again been selected by Law360 for its Compliance Editorial Advisory Board. An expert in compliance monitorships and remediation, Jonny has served on Law360’s Compliance Board for the past two years, providing feedback on the publication’s compliance-focused coverage and also, helping to shape future coverage.
A former federal prosecutor, Jonny draws upon his significant 40-year career to investigate and remediate fraud and misconduct by and against Fortune 500 companies. He was selected to serve as the Department of Justice (DOJ)-appointed Independent Compliance and Business Ethics Monitor to Deutsche Bank, the DOJ-appointed Independent Auditor to a Top 5 automotive manufacturer, the SEC-approved Independent Consultant to a Big Three credit rating agency, remediation consultant to a Northern European bank, E&C adviser to the SEC-appointed Independent Consultant of a large public accounting firm, Forensic Adviser to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)-appointed Monitor of a Tier One automotive supplier and the DOJ-appointed Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Monitors of a $250 billion oil and gas conglomerate and $6 billion medical device manufacturer. Jonny was also the former Executive Deputy Monitor of Volkswagen AG.
Prior to joining StoneTurn in 2011, Jonny was a Partner at PwC, where he led more than 500 engagements and founded and led the firm’s global Fraud Risk & Controls practice. At PwC, Jonny pioneered the “scheme and scenario” antifraud risk assessment framework, subsequently embraced or endorsed by the SEC, COSO, AIPCA, and IIA. He also trained over 5,000 professionals worldwide in a forensic auditing and monitoring curriculum he developed. Earlier in his career, Jonny served as EDNY AUSA.
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Meet Jonny
Jonny Frank
Jonny Frank brings over 45 years of public and private sector and law and business school teaching experience in forensic investigations, compliance, and risk management. He helps organizations and counsel […]