StoneTurn is pleased to announce that Alan Ratliff, Ambreen Salters and Christopher Martinez have been recognized as top patent damages experts in the U.S.
Over a period of five months, Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) interviewed hundreds of attorneys, patent attorneys and in-house counsel across the country to compile the 2017 IAM Patent 1000 — The World’s Leading Patent Practitioners. Each of the experts listed received sufficient positive feedback from peers and clients with knowledge of their practice and the market in which they operate to qualify for the recognition. 22 experts were recognized as Highly Recommended, including Alan, while Ambreen and Christopher were recognized among Recommended experts. Alan, Ambreen and Christopher have been included in the Patent 1000 Experts listing each year since its inception in 2014.
According to IAM’s 2017 Patent 1000:
“With ‘superb knowledge and skills’… Alan Ratliff of StoneTurn Group knows the commercial value of intellectual property and how to measure it precisely. A former lawyer, he also understands how evidence needs to be developed to satisfy legal criteria in patent disputes; he works fluently with legal professionals and drafts logical, well-structured reports. In a recent infringement case, client ISOLA was awarded the exact damages” to which he testified in Court.
Ambreen Salters “is an economics and finance whizz, who not only provides incisive and comprehensive damages analyses, but also presents them persuasively, resonating with judges and juries alike.”
Christopher Martinez “is a clear-sighted analyst of the financial issues arising from IP and transactional disputes. A veteran witness and consultant, he also benefits from commercial insights gained as a licensing executive at a Fortune 50 corporation.”
Meet Alan
Alan Ratliff
Alan Ratliff has more than 30 years of experience in client service and was StoneTurn’s first lateral partner, opening the firm’s Houston office in 2005. Alan serves as the firm’s […]
Meet Ambreen
Ambreen Salters
Ambreen Salters has more than 20 years of experience in consulting to clients and counsel involved in intellectual property and complex commercial disputes. She has assisted clients by providing a […]
Meet Christopher
Christopher Martinez
Christopher Martinez, Partner, Chairman and Co-Founder of StoneTurn, has more than 30 years of experience in intellectual property (“IP”) damages quantification, intellectual asset licensing and complex financial modeling. Christopher advises […]