The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced its 2016 examination priorities in early January.

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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission announced its 2016 examination priorities in early January. As expected, the SEC will continue to focus on the allocation and treatment of fees and expenses and, specifically, potential conflicts of interest related to fees and expenses in its examinations of private fund advisers.

In a recent article for Law360, Brad Wilson and Tristan Cecala outline how hedge fund and private equity fund advisers can take a committed and proactive approach to compliance.

Read the full article.


About the Authors

Brad Wilson Headshot

Brad Wilson

Brad Wilson, StoneTurn’s Managing Partner, leverages nearly two decades of experience in forensic accounting to advise companies and their counsel on complex financial, accounting, valuation and compliance matters. Brad has […]

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Tristan Cecala

Tristan Cecala

Tristan Cecala has over 15 years of experience providing forensic accounting and dispute consulting services to companies and their counsel. He has extensive experience quantifying financial damages, preparing business valuation […]

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