Every successful business leader and dealmaker understands and values the importance of intelligence to identify hidden risks, obtain insights and to help inform their decision making.

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Business intelligence has different meaning to different people. Some refer to the process of data mining and data management within an organization as business intelligence. Others confuse it with corporate espionage and give it negative connotation.

For investors who seek high-yield investments in high-risk markets intelligence is critical in choosing, managing and exiting cross border investments. Having actionable intelligence is often critical for success.

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About the Authors

Snezana HS

Snežana Gebauer

Snežana Gebauer, a partner with StoneTurn, has 20 years of experience in managing complex international investigations for major law firms, Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies and sovereign nations.  She frequently […]

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Jason Liew

Jason Liew, a Partner in the StoneTurn Singapore office, has over 20 years of experience conducting a wide range of investigative assignments for a broad range of Fortune 500 companies, […]

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Sarah Keeling

Sarah Keeling

Sarah Keeling, Partner, is a former senior British government official with more than three decades of experience in national security and geopolitical risk issues globally. She assists the Boards of […]

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