When it comes to cryptocurrency, pseudonymity is not equivalent to anonymity. Just as the crypto market has developed over the years, so have the techniques and tools used to track down owners of or associations between crypto wallets.

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One of the larger appeals to transacting via cryptocurrencies versus fiat currency is the pseudonymity crypto provides. A blockchain’s security is ensured, in part, by the transparent, open-source nature of the blockchain and every transaction that happens on that ledger. And though actual identities are not publicly shown, every party to a transaction on the blockchain is represented by their pseudonym, or the public wallet address used in the transaction.

Investigators have various options regarding investigative approach, but those with access to and expertise of blockchain analytics tools can build a timeline and comprehensive profile based on a wallet address by analyzing the transacting patterns of those wallets, as well as other wallets that may appear earlier or later in the blockchain’s history.

Kyla Curley dives into these tools and what’s to come in her latest article for Finextra. Read more.

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Kyla Curley

Kyla Curley, a Partner with StoneTurn, has over 20 years of experience investigating and making sense of complex and sensitive issues involving financial fraud, misuse, and misappropriation, as well as […]

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