Contact Okem
Okem Nwogu, a Managing Director with StoneTurn, brings nearly two decades of experience in analytical and strategic insights for litigation and management consulting matters.
Okem is an applied economist that specializes in the economic and statistical analysis of data in connection with litigation matters. He provides consulting services to organizations across a variety of industries, including banking, business, healthcare, information technology, government, and insurance. Okem has deep expertise in data analytics, the management of large sets of data from disparate sources, and the use of technology to design complex financial, economic, and statistical models.
Okem’s project experience includes constructing and validating databases, sampling and survey design, and calculating economic damages in matters related to business disputes and wage and hour claims. His work in such cases to date has included, but is not limited to, time and motion studies, observational studies, statistically analyzing the results of such surveys and studies (his own and other experts’ studies), applying statistical sampling methodologies to extrapolate results from a subset to a universe of individuals, applying economic theory to develop damages scenarios, and analyzing large employment related databases.
Okem has also provided economic analyses in antitrust and merger-related cases including the application of econometric and quantitative analyses for assessing market definition, competitive effects, entry/repositioning, damages, and regulatory impact. He has utilized various statistical software packages (i.e. SAS, STATA, Python, etc.) and predictive modeling for multivariate regression analysis to assist healthcare organizations in disputes where complex economic issues have to be assessed and where complex statistical methods are invoked to address questions of over/ underpayments and/or damages as well as to estimate price effects in merger simulations.
Okem has supported expert’s testimonies in litigation and presentations to government agencies on market definition, competitive effects in mergers, and both intellectual property and False Claims Act settlements.