Contact Lisa
Lisa Van Houten, a Managing Director with StoneTurn, has more than a decade of combined experience in complex accounting, auditing, internal controls and compliance matters. Most recently, Lisa worked as part of the Forensic Adviser team supporting the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)-Appointed Independent Compliance Monitor and Auditor of Volkswagen AG – one of the largest and most high-profile corporate compliance monitorships in history.
As part of the VW monitorship team, Lisa co-led a team focused on evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of the company’s global compliance management system, including the compliance organization and structure, the risk assessment process, global policies and procedures, and compliance training. Lisa was also responsible for assessing the adequacy of the global whistleblower system, including the policies and processes to investigate and deter employee misconduct, as part of VW’s fraud risk management strategy.
Lisa has expertise in reviewing complex accounting issues, including revenue recognition and cost analysis. She has worked on a variety of matters including improper revenue recognition and improper application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Her work has included researching accounting guidance; identifying appropriate accounting treatment for a variety of complex issues; and consulting management on ways to re-structure customer contracts to allow for beneficial revenue recognition in accordance with GAAP.
Lisa has worked on several forensic accounting investigations which have included detailed reviews and analyses over company financial records, aimed at providing expert consulting services or identifying suspicious activity related to fraud schemes and/or improper accounting practices. She has led and performed various risk assessment and internal audits, in which she helped to identify risks and enhance operating effectiveness in order to improve risk management, control, and governance processes.
Lisa has also assisted numerous Sarbanes-Oxley 404 (SOX) engagements for clients in a variety of industries. This included designing and implementing internal controls and test plans; identifying control design and operating gaps; and recommending ways to remediate deficiencies in order to ensure compliance with SOX requirements.
Earlier in her career, Lisa spent four years in PwC’s Internal and External Audit practices where she worked on a multitude of engagements including financial, SOX and internal audits. She served clients in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, industrial products, utilities, and financial services.
Lisa is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in Illinois.