Risk: a topic on the table at every board, leadership and department meeting, and one that is always changing. But if organizations continue to look at risk through the same lens, will the strategies for mitigation evolve to meet the moment?

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In our Game Series, we highlight three key scenarios through the window of board games and puzzles. Follow your journey in each of our scenarios.

Asset Tracing: Exploring the Whole Board

Asset tracing is not too different from the childhood game many of us grew up playing, and continue to play.

This illustration provides insight into some of the steps taken and the fluidity of any asset tracing investigation. In the game, you may land in a space which takes you up a ladder, or worse, be swallowed by the menacing creatures below. When tracing assets, we follow a tried and tested approach, but new leads may move us a few steps forward to confirm asset ownership, or perhaps have us retrace our steps to repeat earlier processes for assets identified in different jurisdictions. And just like the boardgame, there are always the elements of luck and unpredictability to any asset tracing investigation.

Follow your path on our guide below.
Asset tracing gameboard

Investigations: Guiding Action with Strategy

In Part Two of StoneTurn’s Game Series, we look at the parallels (and differences) between another classic board game and corporate investigations. Just like the game, it requires strategy and good decision-making on which resources to deploy—and when—at critical junctures of the investigation.

However, investigations are not child’s play. Key to the success of any investigation are the commitment and leadership of the management team, with the expertise and contributions of other stakeholders including external counsel, experienced investigators, and communication experts.

Investigations Gameboard

Risk and Threats: Looking Around the Corner

In Part 3 of the Game Series, we move to a classic strategy boardgame where decisions on resource allocation resemble the choices institutions face when entering a new market. Institutions face multiple risks and threats in a variety of areas. Unfortunately, no institution has unlimited resources, and no institution can focus on all risks equally all the time. Different jurisdictions, sectors, and current events impact risk in substantial and often hard-to-predict ways.

Deciding which risks to prioritize based on a tailored, dynamic assessment of the regulatory landscape faced by your organization is the cornerstone of good governance.

Risk board game

Business Intelligence: More Than Meets the Eye

In the fourth and final part of the Game Series, we turn to a hidden object game and how it echoes business intelligence. What appears at first glance to be routine or mundane can conceal multiple issues visible only to trained eyes. Skilled and experienced investigators know how and where to look for the subtle tell-tale signs that not all is as it seems. Whether your organization is about to embark on a new partnership or needs to proactively identify issues in an existing relationship, business intelligence investigations can help you prepare for future challenges by surfacing hidden threats. Spot the clues as we take you through this game.

What are the risks faced by your organization? Turn to us to help mitigate them.