Dan Langley, a Director* with StoneTurn, has more than 15 years of experience as a chartered accountant, and extensive experience working with clients involved in complex commercial disputes.
Dan analyzes and quantifies client claims, investigates, gathers and documents the relevant evidence, and prepares expert testimony where required. Dan has given evidence before International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Tribunals in Paris and an LCIA Tribunal in London.
Dan assists clients on matters across various industries, including information technology (IT), energy and utilities, engineering and construction.
Prior to joining StoneTurn, Dan worked in the Forensic Services practice of PwC. During this time, Dan spent two years based in San Francisco, supporting one of the largest investor-owned gas and electric utilities with ratemaking proceedings and capital project cost recovery.
Dan is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) and a practicing member of The Academy of Experts. He has been appointed as an Independent Expert to determine disputes under the terms of the ICAEW’s President’s Appointments Scheme.
*A Director is not a principal for the purposes of ICAEW requirements.