
April 11, 2016 – StoneTurn is pleased to announce that Xavier Oustalniol has joined the firm as a Partner in San Francisco. Xavier brings more than 25 years of experience as a forensic accountant, auditor and litigation consultant, and assists clients on complex forensic accounting issues, fraud investigations, fraud prevention, forensic due diligence and anti-corruption compliance assessments.

Catherine Connolly, a Partner in StoneTurn’s San Francisco office, said, “Xavier’s expertise in complex business litigation matters and corporate investigations, as well as his extensive industry knowledge, will certainly benefit our clients as we continue to expand the scope of our offerings and grow StoneTurn’s presence in the Bay Area. Xavier and I have known one another since our days at Deloitte, and I’m thrilled to team up with him again.”

Xavier has led numerous engagements involving fraud investigations, securities litigation, damages analysis, international arbitration, accountant malpractice and purchase price disputes. In addition, he has extensive experience advising creditors, debtors and trustees in bankruptcy litigation, and on accounting matters in which fraud is suspected and litigation is involved.

He has testified as an accounting expert on the application of generally accepted accounting principles and other financial issues at trial in Federal Court, deposition and in arbitration. Xavier’s industry experience ranges from financial services institutions such as hedge funds, banks, insurance companies, investment companies and securities broker / dealers, to the aviation, real estate, technology, energy, automotive, luxury apparel, telecommunications, professional services, consumer products, agricultural, and manufacturing sectors.

Most recently, Xavier was a Managing Director with Alvarez & Marsal Global Forensic and Dispute Services, where he established the practice in San Francisco. Previously, he was with two other global professional services firms. He began his career as an auditor with Deloitte.

Simon Platt, StoneTurn’s Managing Partner, said, “I am delighted to welcome Xavier to StoneTurn. Not only does his deep expertise expand our firm’s offerings on the West Coast, Xavier is also a wonderful addition to our senior leadership team.”



Meet Xavier

Xavier Oustalniol

Xavier Oustalniol

Xavier Oustalniol is a Partner with StoneTurn in San Francisco. He focuses on complex forensic accounting issues, fraud investigations and prevention, and anti-corruption matters, and provides consulting services regarding damages […]