StoneTurn is proud to share Partner Scott Boylan has again been named one of Foreign Investment Watch’s Top Advisors for 2025. Scott was previously listed in Foreign Investment Watch’s 2024 list of Top Advisors.
Foreign Investment Watch is an independent information service covering foreign investment and national security, from CFIUS filings to global regulatory updates. The Top Advisors list is comprised of 40 individuals selected from a pool of hundreds of submissions based on a myriad of criteria, including experience and references, clients served, one-to-one interactions with the Editorial team, reader recommendations, articles published, and more.
According to Foreign Investment Watch, Scott was selected for his depth and breadth of expertise. The Editorial team notes, “It’s rare that we find experts who’ve sat on literally every side of the CFIUS table. But that’s Scott Boylan. Formerly the CFIUS and Team Telecom representative at the Department of Homeland Security, Boylan has also served at Treasury and Justice. But he’s also served as Chief Legal Officer for large CFIUS-mitigated companies, which means he’s participated in the negotiation of mitigation agreements from both sides. On top of that, he now regularly conducts CFIUS audits as an independent third-party. So, he’s structured CFIUS strategy, negotiated transactions before CFIUS, overseen compliance with CFIUS and FOCI mitigation agreements, and audited them from the outside. Boylan has always carved out time to answer questions from Foreign Investment Watch editors, and has offered practical guidance for readers.”
Learn more about Scott Boylan and find the full list of 2025 Top Advisors on Foreign Investment Watch’s website.
Meet Scott
Scott Boylan
Scott Boylan, a Partner with StoneTurn, has more than 30 years of experience in advising public- and private-sector organizations on a broad range of international legal and business issues, including […]