Like all EU Member States, Germany must translate the new EU Directive for Whistleblower Protection ("Directive”) into national law by 17 December 2021. Compliance with the new legislation presents a significant change for companies operating in Germany and throughout the EU, which is likely to be further complicated by the global pandemic, as well as emerging environmental, social and corporate governance risks.

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Now more than ever, companies must foster a Speak Up culture and ensure that leaders are actively listening and taking swift and appropriate action in order to mitigate devastating reputational, regulatory and legal risks. But how can German organizations do so with reduced personal contact and limited in-person supervisory oversight?

In Compliance Management Magazine, Julia Arbery provides an overview of the new Directive and offers best practices for companies and compliance professionals to consider as they implement these new standards amidst shifting COVID-19 lockdown orders, GDPR constraints and local employment laws.

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Julia Arbery

Julia Arbery

Julia Arbery, a Partner with StoneTurn, has more than 15 years of experience in ethics and compliance. Specifically, she assists multinational corporations with the development and implementation of effective ethics […]

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