Post-acquisition disputes. Increasing compliance expectations. Growing anti-corruption risks. Private equity firms and their portfolio companies are struggling to balance the rising costs of compliance against expectations among investors accustomed to hefty returns of the past, along with the increasing costs of litigation surrounding purchase price and other post-acquisition disputes. Additionally, fraud due diligence is becoming critically important in transactions as regulators remain focused on anti-corruption measures.
StoneTurn’s experts have worked across the private equity industry to assist clients and their counsel with litigation, investigations, valuation and compliance issues. We address the complex financial, accounting and economic-related issues in legal matters; look beyond the surface in investigating matters ranging from regulatory inquiries to financial fraud; determine damages in intellectual property disputes; detect anti-corruption risks; and assess the effectiveness of compliance programs.
Understanding the underlying value of portfolio companies and their assets is essential to remaining competitive in the private equity environment. StoneTurn’s business valuation professionals look beyond the numbers in assessing value and provide analyses critical to strategic decision making, while our intellectual property experts offer a complete perspective on intangible assets.